Your Name
Business Category (e.g. real estate, financial planning)
Company Name
Company Address
Company Phone
Your Email
Home Address
Please describe the nature of your business/service.
Business is a: Sole ProprietorshipCorporationPartnershipNon-Profit Corporation
Your position is: OwnerPartnerIndependent DistributorManagerSales
Length of time in business?
Do you presently have membership in another networking organization(s)? YesNo
If YES, please list organization(s).
Dues are $180 per year if paid at one time, and $100 if paid semi-annually. There will always only be one business from a category in the group at one time.
I am signing up for BWI Business Professionals for: 1 year6 months
I agree I have read and agree to abide by the Bylaws.
Please enter your full name.